Silent Years and Speaking Books: Nicholas Udall in 1533


Micha Lazarus. 2015. “Silent Years And Speaking Books: Nicholas Udall In 1533”. Notes And Queries, 62, 1, Pp. 35-39. doi:10.1093/notesj/gju211. Publisher's Version


A Greek inscription in a copy of Aristotle's works in York Minster Library reveals not only that the volume was owned by Nicholas Udall, schoolmaster and 'father of English comedy', but that it was given to him directly by the Basel printer Johann Bebel. This article reviews the known remains of Udall's library (now nineteen books), and reconstructs his movements during this period (1529-1533), known as his 'silent years', to which this volume is the sole witness.
Last updated on 07/30/2023